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25 Mar 2024


On March 15, 2024, took place the 20th anniversary of our famous Red Label Herbes de Provence blend and the 5th anniversary of the PGI Thyme of Provence. An unforgettable moment for all those who are involved in the MAPP sector in Provence, bringing together around a hundred people ! The event was also an opportunity to unveil the new buildings which will help shape the future of the production of these emblematic herbs.

Personalities from the agricultural world were present such as Mr. Nasles, President of the National Committee for Organic Agriculture of the INAO*, Mr. Chassard President of the National Agri-Food Committee of the INAO, and Ms. Vucher who was president of the ODG* AIHP (Interprofessional Association of Herbes de Provence), former President of the Council of Approvals and Controls at the INAO, and who was awarded on this occasion the Badge of National Order of Merit for her 36 years of services.

Opening ceremony

The event began with an opening ceremony highlighting the heritage and cultural importance of the Provence herbs produced by the cooperative as well as the ongoing commitment of the cooperators to the quality and sustainability of their production.

The president of Les Aromates de Provence Luc Justamon welcomed all the participants with an opening speech presenting the cooperative. He then thanked the producers, as well as Mr. Burle, Vice-president of the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolis delegate for agriculture, Mr. Honorat, President LCAS of the South PACA Agricultural Cooperation, Mrs. Guicheteau, Head of the national delegation of FranceAgriMer in Volx, Mrs. Antonioli, Director of the Aromatic, Medicinal and Perfume Plants Committee.


Speeches and tributes

Former producers like Mr. Françon and Mr. Cavalier, took the floor, accompanied by Ms. Vucher, former President of the AIHP* for a moment of discussion around the creation of this very atypical cooperative and the struggles waged together in obtaining quality signs and labels. An important transmission of knowledge and history for the cooperative, which was able to successfully create the Herbes de Provence Red Label blend in 2003. The real Herbs of Provence !*

They also paid tribute to their fight to promote the origin and quality of Provence thyme, recognized as PGI in 2018, in particular thanks to the personality of Mr. Doudon, who has now passed away.

Presentation of the new sorting line

The guests had the opportunity to have a presentation of the cooperative's new facilities, by Mr. Bozon, technical manager and Mr. Roussin, vice-president of the cooperative.

With more than 20 years old, the installations were becoming unsuitable for the commercial, quality and safety challenges of today and tomorrow. Work was also carried out to expand the harvest storage site located in Trets. Almost the entire production tool has been modernized, and now makes it possible to very significantly improve the working conditions of its operators while gaining in sorting efficiency.



The event offered the participants the chance to taste dishes prepared with our Red Label blend and PGI thyme, highlighting the real herbs from Provence ! This event was a great success, the future of the production of Herbes de Provence truly coming from Provence looks promising in new opportunities for growth and excellence for the entire region. Don't forget to read the labels !



*INAO : National Institute of Origin and Quality

*PGI : Protected Geographical Indication

*AIHP : Interprofessional Association of Herbs of Provence

*ODG : management and defense organism

*Red Label Herbes de Provence : a guaranteed recipe


Net & audio press articles

(only in French) (le 15/03/2024 à 7h15)